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To provide the public with important information regarding the operations and services of the Clerk of the Circuit Court, the following web site has been compiled. Every effort has been made to ensure that the information contained is accurate and up to date; however, in our quickly changing environment, that is not always possible.
While the Hernando County Clerk’s Office has attempted to preserve the accuracy of the online version of the Official Records Index, this index is not official and the Hernando County Clerk’s Office will not be responsible for any inaccuracies that may be encountered. Users should remember that the index is merely a guide to the information contained within the records referenced and should not be relied on in making any decision or determination regarding the underlying document. The user is advised to search on all possible spelling variations of proper names, as well as other search criteria, to maximize search results.
The Clerk’s Office shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for any damages in connection with the use of the information contained herein. Any person or entity using this information hereby releases the Clerk and its officers, agents, and employees from any and all claims arising from the use of this site or the information contained herein.
The Clerk maintains all immunities provided by law including, without limitation, the limits of liability found in Section 768.28, Florida Statutes.
Communications made by email to this site will in no way be deemed to constitute legal notice to the Clerk of Circuit Court’s office or any of its employees with respect to any existing or potential claim or cause of action against the Clerk’s Office or any of its employees, where notice is required by any federal, state, or local laws, rules or regulations. Unauthorized attempts to upload information or change information on this web site is prohibited.
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Foreclosure Sales Lists – Click to View Files
- 04-April
- 03-March
- 02-February
- 01-January
- 12 – December
- 11 – November
- 10 – October
- 09 – September
- 08 – August
- 07 – July
- 06 – June
- 05 – May
- 04 – April
- 03 – March
- 02 – February
- 01 – January
- 01-January
- 02-February
- 03-March
- 04-April
- 05-May
- 06-June
- 07-July
- 08-August
- 09-September
- 10-October
- 11-November
- 12-December
- 12-December
- 11-November
- 10-October
- 09-September
- 08-August
- 07-July
- 06-June
- 05-May
- 04-April
- 03-March
- 02-February
- 01-January
- 12-December
- 11-November
- 10-October
- 09-September
- 08-August
- 07-July
- 06-June
- 05-May
- 04-April
- 03-March
- 02-February
- 01-January
- 12-December
- 11-November
- 10-October
- 09-September
- 08-August
- 07-July
- 06-June
- 05-May
- 04-April
- 03-March
- 02-February
- 01-January
- 12-December
- 11-November
- 10-October
- 09-September
- 08-August
- 07-July
- 06-June
- 05-May
- 04-April
- 03-March
- 02-February
- 01-January
- 12-December
- 11-November
- 10-October
- 09-September
- 08-August
- 07-July
- 06-June
- 05-May
- 04-April
- 03-March
- 02-February
- 01-January
- 12-December
- 11-November
- 10-October
- 09-September
- 08-August
- 07-July
- 06-June
- 05-May
- 04-April
- 03-March
- 02-February
- 01-January
- 12-December
- 11-November
- 10-October
- 09-September
Foreclosures Filed by Month – Click to View Files