Hernando County Clerk of Circuit Court & Comptroller

Baker Act Petition will initiate an emergency pickup and evaluation for persons who are mentally ill and refuse to seek treatment and are a danger to themselves and/or others.  A Marchman Act Petition is filed to obtain a court order for substance abuse treatment when the Respondent has refused to voluntarily receive care.  More information about the Clerk’s services regarding Mental Health is available on the Mental Health section for the Forms and Documents page.

  • The Respondent must reside or be physically located in Hernando County. An address must be provided in order for the individual to be taken into custody.
  • Petitions are available in Room 165.
  • Baker Acts can be filed by any individual with knowledge of the individual; Marchman Acts must be filed by a family member or three (3) non-related individuals having first-hand knowledge of a mentally ill individual or substance abuse impaired individual who may need assistance.

Springbrook Hospital provides Hernando County residents with mental health services.  Springbrook Hospital is located at 7007 Grove Rd., Brooksville, FL 34609, and can be contacted at (352)596-4306.  Springbrook Hospital provides individual, group, and family counseling for mental health and substance abuse problems.  In addition, 24-hour emergency services are available by calling the phone number listed above.

Please view the Guide to Substance Abuse Involuntary Placement Services for more information on filing Marchman Act petitions and for a list of facilities where beds are available.